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Food Allergies:
Children often suffer from allergies to food substances like peanuts, with even a tiny trace capable of triggering a severe anaphylactic reaction.
Quick Onset:
Anaphylactic reactions usually occur rapidly, but in some cases, symptoms may take a few hours to manifest.
Immediate EMS Activation:
If you suspect an anaphylactic reaction, it is vital to call the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) without delay.
General Symptoms:
General signs can include itchy, watery eyes, headaches, or a runny nose.
Skin Problems:
Skin-related symptoms encompass swelling of the face, lips, tongue, neck, or hands, itching, hives, rashes, or red skin.
Breathing Problems:
Respiratory issues consist of coughing, difficulty swallowing, rapid or noisy breathing, wheezing, or a burning sensation in the chest and throat. Severe breathing problems indicate a severe allergic reaction.
Heart or Circulation Problems:
Cardiovascular signs may involve an increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, excessive sweating, or cool and clammy skin.
Mental Status Problems:
Alterations in mental status can encompass confusion, agitation, hallucinations, fainting, or loss of consciousness.